What is this…?

Hi I’m Edward DeCesare, I’m an amateurish writer, in that I occasionally get paid for jokes and sketches by the BBC, most prominently BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Newsjack and now also BBC Scotland’s Breaking the News.


Two years ago I did NaNoWrimo (the National Novel Writing Month where you aim to write 50,000 words in the month of November) and I won (I wrote 50,000 words in the month of November). To keep myself motivated I posted each day’s efforts as a daily blog (titled World Will Burn for some reason); it developed a decent readership and I got some nice feedback such as my work being described as “a bit like Douglas Adams” and a “good nice story, witty economic and a knowing weirdness in a Gaimanesque sense”.


Now I’m back! I’m on my third draft of World Will Burn (I still have not come up with a decent title for the book) and I just need to get this finished. So I’ve decided to go back to the start, I’m going to write 50,000 words on this bloody book and hopefully at the end of the month I’ll be close enough to finishing it to actually complete it. And much like last time, I’m going to be publishing chapters as I finish them to keep me going to the end. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it (I am somewhat enjoying writing it) and that we’ll both hopefully make it to the end.